Different point of view
Electric bike is a perfect place for all kinds of guided tours clean and comfortable public transport. Thanks to our collaboration with Ebrobizi , we are offering different views for interesting trips where we take the many bike paths as the banks of the Ebro, or natural paths as our visits to the Great Park.
One Sunday the Great Park wants to bring visitors one of the largest green areas of the city, historically the largest park in the city until the Water Park in 2008 is built, but this park has other names such as Primo Park Rivera or currently Jose Antonio Labordeta, has some very special natural places thanks to the banks of the Huerva river and the Canal Imperial de Aragón and singular moments, the ethnographic museum Aragonese costumes, a museum of ceramics, Rincón de Goya, statues in tribute to Paco Martinez Soria and Miguel Fleta, the monument to Alfonso the Battler, spectacular views, modernist buildings such as the bandstand, or fonts with a lot of history as Princess.